Kentwood Amateur Astronomy League


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Kentwood Amateur Astronomy League July 24, 2000


PPT Slide

PPT Slide

M - 8

M - 17 Omega or Swan Nebula

M - 18

M - 20 Trifid Nebula

M - 21

M - 22

M - 23

M - 24

M -25

M - 28

M - 54

M - 55

M - 69

M - 70

M - 75

M-8 The Lagoon Nebula

PPT Slide

Baade’s Window

Kaus australis (KOSS aus-TRAY-lis) Epsilon Sagittarii

Nunki (NUN-kee) Sigma Sagittarii

PPT Slide

Other interesting Stars

Other interesting stars -2

“Recent” Water on Mars?

PPT Slide

Author: Jerry DeRuiter


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Other information:
This presentation was given at the 7/24/2000 meeting of KAAL by Jerry DeRuiter.